Building Trust Since 1968

Why choose us? We strive to be the best manufacturers' representative in the industry, and we are not there yet. Each day we learn and improve ourselves, moving the company in the right direction. We believe in behaviors that are simple, actionable, and sustainable.

At Evans & Associates, we use phrases like “Deliver Results”, “Get Uncomfortable”, “Listen to Understand”, “Speak Straight”, and “Do the Right Thing Always”. We call this THE EVANS WAY. Bottom line, we want to earn and keep your trust.

Manufacturing Partners

We represent the best manufacturers in the commercial plumbing and PVF/mechanical markets in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, and the Florida Panhandle. At Evans & Associates, we invest time and energy so that our represented manufacturers are specified by engineers, and requested by facilities, contractors, and wholesalers.

PVf/Mechanical manufacturers

Commercial Plumbing Manufacturers


With a strong balance between buy-sell and consigned lines, warehoused material and factory direct-shipped products, we have the product mix and versatility that will allow us to grow in this industry for years to come.

When you partner with Evans & Associates, you'll find an agency with...
Trusted Service Trusted Solutions  Trusted Product Knowledge


Line CArds

We grow market share for our manufacturers and provide solutions for our customers. Our representation creates a synergy between companies that increases value and creates leverage to increase profitability throughout the supply chain.

Learning Hub

Are you new to the industry? Interested in a product refresher? Are you curious about new products or want to learn more about what is already out there? Are you in need of CEU credits? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this is your spot for professional growth!
If you’re interested in having Evans & Associates represent your organization, please contact us via email at [email protected] or by phone at 678.455.8118.